During His time on earth, Jesus spoke frequently about serving the
broken, hurting, poor and forgotten, and left us with instructions to love our neignbor.
At Valley we believe that means doing what we can to serve our local and global community.
Click on the options below to explore ways to get involved.
Local Outreach
global Outreach
We are the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church—part of the 20-million strong Adventist community, with hundreds of thousands of churches globally and the world’s largest integrated healthcare and education network.
We deliver relief and development assistance to individuals in more than 118 countries—regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, gender, or religious association.
By partnering with local communities, organizations, and governments, we are able to deliver culturally relevant programs and build local capability for sustainable change.
Maranatha is a non-profit, responsive organization that works in conjunction with the Seventh-day Adventist Church to provide strong, dignified structures for worship and education. Around the world, there are thousands of congregations praying for a proper church to call their own while meeting in sheds or under trees. Children are going to school in dilapidated buildings, causing their quality of education to suffer. To fill this urgent need, Maranatha constructs churches and schools—facilities that later become centers of outreach for a community.
The impact of Maranatha’s mission is two-fold as we provide desperately needed buildings, but also offer opportunities for ordinary people to make service a part of their lives.